Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9809. Scottf ( – 25 Dec 2010 18:01:17 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Can I get an mp3 of the sad VIP room music at the end?
9807. Tom 7 ( – 22 Dec 2010 20:20:06 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
What I'm trying to say is you need to find the ma"key"rena.
9806. Coaster ( – 22 Dec 2010 19:09:28 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
?????? OK
9805. Tom 7 ( – 22 Dec 2010 12:39:13 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
One does not 'earn' achievements, one 'unlocks' them.
9804. Coaster ( – 22 Dec 2010 11:10:40 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
How do I earn the "Master of the Macarena" achievement????
9803. Coaster ( – 22 Dec 2010 01:00:59 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
How do I earn the "Pants Off Dance Off" achievement??
9802. Scottf ( – 21 Dec 2010 12:46:25 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
This was fun. Maybe it's just me, but I get a message from this game - something about the shallowness of the club scene. After all the time you spend learning moves and defeating Elvis in a dance-off, the VIP room turns out to be... empty, with peeling paint, floor spikes, and slow, sad music playing. It's kinda surreal, even Kafkaesque in its lack of finality: I love how you can still wander around even though there's nothing more to do. Also, the dimming music as you walk away from the club is a nice touch.
9801. Tom 7 ( – 21 Dec 2010 00:00:08 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Thanks guys! I uploaded a new version for the jam that fixes a few cosmetic bugs.

Yes, once you're VIP then you've won. I'd love for that to just be the beginning, but seriously I just squeaked in under the deadline with the content (and bugs) you see there, so I did not get to realize all my dreams. The boss battle is more confusing than I'd like, as well. Imagine how confusing it would have been without the lightbulb screen and his 'embarrassed for you' animation, though? After I did those things, I prioritized other areas of the game that were lacking, and then I just ran out of time.

For screencasting I used a windows app written by a ludum darer, which is called "chronolapse". It was free and very simple and worked as advertised. I actually encoded the full 2560x1600 images as a video and then resampled it with virtualdub (plus added the music there) because the default compression level from chronolapse was too crap for my tastes and there were no settings. If you ever do Ludum Dare I recommend making a timelapse video. Not only is it a fun artifact, but it changed the way I behaved during the contest, like being aware of when I was slacking off (I knew someone would be watching me paging through Facebook or playing Team Fortress or something) or even doing something really boring and repetitive that should be scripted. Good to keep the pressure on!
9800. jcreed ( – 20 Dec 2010 23:00:28 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Also how do you do that screencasty thing where you record your screen.
9799. Rob S ( – 20 Dec 2010 15:16:38 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
I was a little bit confused by the dance-off part, which is I suppose appropriate, but I otherwise greatly enjoyed the game!

I like how, when given the choice between the bathroom and the VIP lounge at the beginning of the game, I knew without a doubt which way I was supposed to go.
9798. A Wilson ( – 20 Dec 2010 13:50:48 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Out of order indeed! Nice work.
9797. jcreed ( – 20 Dec 2010 12:07:33 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Anyway it is a sweet game tom! Metroid metroid revolution.
9796. jcreed ( – 20 Dec 2010 12:06:55 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
I think I won? Is there anything I'm supposed to be able to do in that last room when I have shamed the disco king with my unbeatable dance moves?
9795. jsstylos ( – 20 Dec 2010 05:03:58 My 48-hour videogame 'Disco? Very!' for Ludum Dare #19 ]
Very nice! I like the dance moves as platformer mechanics, and the boss fight was great.
9794. radiant ( – 18 Dec 2010 13:59:04 KILLER JAPANESE SEIZURE ROBOTS ]
9793. LorencoVUm ( – 18 Dec 2010 11:03:33 KILLER JAPANESE SEIZURE ROBOTS ]
Did you downloaded Wikileaks docs? Give me link plz
Thank for all
9792. Dave ( – 16 Dec 2010 23:30:47 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Sorry Tom, that was a bit too vague to be useful. Error message is: upload failed: fail (bug): bad level/solution (or out of disk space). Solution checking/optimisation is working fine. Solution downloads are also working fine. Thanks, Dave.
9791. radiant ( – 16 Dec 2010 23:25:42 In case of no post, break glass ]
Does spacebar have detailed error logging yet so you can figure out what keeps going wrong?
9790. Dave ( – 16 Dec 2010 23:01:49 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
The server is back up but no level uploads are possible.
9789. Dave ( – 14 Dec 2010 23:49:27 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
These 5 levels were all uploaded on the same day. I seem to recall talk of Tom putting a limit on the number of levels one person could upload in a day (after the events of a December last year).

I don't know if he did it or not, but it may be worth trying to upload again.
9788. N7DOT ( – 13 Dec 2010 00:05:15 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Radiant is right. Every level except for a few in the quarantine folder are possible. Also, maybe you should make more of your mazes have multiple connections, then turn the maze into more of a puzzle, like Safety Security by Gary (but try to come up with your own idea!).
9787. Cortney ( – 12 Dec 2010 22:39:24 Tom 7 Brand Kids Vitamins ]
9786. jcreed ( – 12 Dec 2010 20:09:23 Tom 7 Brand Kids Vitamins ]
aw man those look pretty awesome
9785. radiant ( – 12 Dec 2010 18:09:53 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
In order to upload a level in the first place, you have to provide a solution string, and the server runs a lightweight version of the game where it can verify that the solution works. If it doesn't, the level is rejected. So if a level is on the server, it's already been tested to be solvable.
9784. Pasha ( – 12 Dec 2010 15:37:45 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Thank you for the game from Russia, I play it already five years, but cannot solve very many levels, for example, of Brian Potetz. Can it be, that some levels are unsolvable?
And it is a pity that I can download only 5 my own levels. I have many labirinths, and they're really funny.

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