Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9783. Anonymous ( – 12 Dec 2010 14:16:27 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
yea i have mushrooms to and they pop up not in a specific place but everywhere. behind the toilet, next to the bathroom sink, showere, even on the carpet near my room. ugg i need help!!
9781. Tom 7 ( – 11 Dec 2010 00:35:17 Our first non-physical system ]
I was wondering if you were saying that because of the alt text or if you just independently had the same idea, because the latter would confirm my suspicion that we have similar senses of humor
9780. Nels ( – 10 Dec 2010 13:21:53 Our first non-physical system ]
Chrome is not so good with Alt tags on gifs. I guess? Anyway, I looked at the source and saw it. Niceness!
9779. Tom 7 ( – 08 Dec 2010 19:34:39 Our first non-physical system ]
Nels, did you see the alt-text on the image?
9777. Ryan ( – 08 Dec 2010 13:35:37 Our first non-physical system ]
I think I have tracked your bug down. You forgot the minus sign.
9776. Reed ( – 08 Dec 2010 11:43:58 Our first non-physical system ]
Game idea: AntiJenga - a game where you struggle to topple a tower of little chunks.

Oh wait, that already exists and is called Angry Birds.
9775. Nels ( – 08 Dec 2010 09:37:28 Our first non-physical system ]
9774. dwrensha ( – 08 Dec 2010 08:51:23 Our first non-physical system ]
Sweet. Just in time for another broken-physics Ludum Dare.
9773. Hai 5 ( – 07 Dec 2010 17:48:12 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Zum Verückt werden aber Wirklich gut!

Danke aus Germany
9772. Tate ( – 07 Dec 2010 16:08:00 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Not like this one but we have a black one. I cleaned and bleached our house, it is infested with mould and always has been even with opening all the windows etc. Practically overnight this came and I sure didn't notice it, I walked into the bathroom and right near the shower this mushroom batch had spawned also burst leaving ALOT of black powder! I already have a list long of health issues so I am sort of concerned (these were all before we moved in too). The spot where it has grown has been flakey and gross since before we moved in, we've had inspections and the landlord knows its there, we've noticed he also doesn't like forking out money easily.

Black mushroom, appears to have yellow dots on it, bursts into big black powder!

9771. LorencoVUm ( – 07 Dec 2010 09:58:19 KILLER JAPANESE SEIZURE ROBOTS ]
Did you know that USA and Europe blocked Wikileaks? What do you think about it?
Hih you hear me??
9770. Anonymous ( – 06 Dec 2010 16:25:01 BAD SAT SCORES ]
1290 sat score 3.6 gpa i pray that i can get into the university of southern california
9768. jonas ( – 04 Dec 2010 12:55:33 In case of no post, break glass ]
One of the secret projects is reviving wikiplia.
9767. Tom 7 ( – 04 Dec 2010 10:58:59 In case of no post, break glass ]
All my albums are full-length, just short!
9766. N7DOT ( – 02 Dec 2010 22:03:28 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
note: binary ruiner doesn't ruin binary. :) its a level.
9765. N7DOT ( – 02 Dec 2010 20:49:20 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Get ready for Binary Ruiner and some Simple Calculators!
9764. Adhesion ( – 02 Dec 2010 12:13:00 In case of no post, break glass ]
Haha, cool. I was hoping for a super-secret full-length Tom 7 album, but alas...!
9762. Tom 7 ( – 02 Dec 2010 01:11:50 In case of no post, break glass ]
Pascal: Haha. It could be anybody, but I'm guessing... Gabe's Mom?

Adhesion: In that same set I also performed "Theme from The Goog" in an early prototype of Tom 7 Entertainment System Hero. I think the video is obsoleted by the Belvedere's performance, since the game was more finished then and I had Laser Suspension Womb, and an audience.
9761. Dave ( – 01 Dec 2010 15:01:07 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
What would be really cool is a way of clearly seeing destinations like you can in edit mode by dragging the cursor over over a cell. The D hotkey needs to stay but it so often just throws up a mess of undecipherable spaghetti or overlapping lines.
9760. Dave ( – 01 Dec 2010 14:49:55 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
You could use "Bomb [C]ountdown" or, alternatively use the same hotkey as edit mode: "Ti[M]er". Personally, I don't like the idea of reallocating existing hotkeys. "[F]ade" is good. M and F are next to N and D respectively on a standard keyboard so that would have the effect of grouping similar functions.
9759. Adhesion ( – 01 Dec 2010 14:43:36 In case of no post, break glass ]
I got bored and started reading old posts, and I noticed that here you mention a secret fourth video from that show related to a secret project. Is that still in the works or am I forgetting something that actually came out?
9758. radiant ( – 01 Dec 2010 07:12:22 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
So I've been hacking away at the code and managed to create functional hotkeys to display the fuses on inert bombs, and to fade out the bots so you can see what's under them. The thing is, these can be plausibly keyed to "show [f]uses" and "see through [b]ots", or to "see [b]omb length" and "[f]ade bots", in either order. Right now I have the former, but does anyone have a preference for either of these (or for something else, since either permutation requires bumping the [B]ookmarks hotkey off of B)?

I also have a menu in place (keyed as "Show/[H]ide") that finally creates visible toggle switches for these and the existing information hotkeys. Could I get put on the SF project (SF: "anonycat") in order to add these and future changes?

(Unrelated note: It just occurs to me, after building version 2010 - 12 - 01 - 0, that such a version number reads more naturally as 2010 - 1 - 2010.)
9757. Dave ( – 01 Dec 2010 03:38:23 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
On this Vista machine (keyboard is standard US) I just changed the keyboard input language from 'English (NZ) - US - International' to 'English (NZ) - US' and hey presto, problem instantly gone. It appears Escape (SDL?) cannot deal with the way the "international" setting in Windows buffers chars 22, 27, 60, 5E, and 7E. I had no idea it was set up this way because I am not the main user.

It is going to a bit of a pain changing keyboard language each time I want to play escape and then change it back because my wife wants to send a quick email!

This is not the whole problem - I still have no idea why it comes and goes and why it is apparent elsewhere. Anyway, it's a start and, Tom, it looks like your theory #1 is looking very promising .-)
9756. Blaise Pascal. ( – 30 Nov 2010 20:27:29 In case of no post, break glass ]
Me? Finding the triple point of tofurkey.
9755. ( – 30 Nov 2010 19:30:40 BAD SAT SCORES ]
if i had a sat score of 1020 it htat ok enough to get into get into university of houston and a gpa of a2.9

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