Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9454. mike ( – 03 May 2010 11:46:55 Pittsburgh Marathon 2010: Project SHARKWEEK ]
Dude i'm LOLzing-out-loud over here. It just occurred to me that there should be a shorthand for that phrase.

Live every week like it's shark week!
9453. jsstylos ( – 03 May 2010 11:44:35 Pittsburgh Marathon 2010: Project SHARKWEEK ]
The mental image of attacking the slow runners sounds like good inspiration for another Flash game to me. "You Keep on Swimming".
9452. Erika ( – 03 May 2010 11:16:39 Pittsburgh Marathon 2010: Project SHARKWEEK ]
ALLIGATOR?!? Ha ha ha ha ha. You looked so great running! I want to see the bruises! Bad-ass!
9451. Anonymous ( – 03 May 2010 10:26:28 Pittsburgh Marathon 2010: Project SHARKWEEK ]
Hope you got my link on FB..
9450. Erin ( – 03 May 2010 10:13:25 Pittsburgh Marathon 2010: Project SHARKWEEK ]
Awesome sauce to the max.
9449. Anonymous ( – 02 May 2010 14:00:27 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
im findin them everywhere in my room when i rearrange it or clean it but tha thing is no stem or nothiin juss a plain small whole mushroom thats tan or brown wat does that mean?
9448. Tom 7 ( – 28 Apr 2010 11:22:11 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Wow, that's exactly the same as my aesthetic!
9447. Lea ( – 27 Apr 2010 18:38:37 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Thanks, Nels! That aesthetic is a little something I call "I will totally replace these placeholder graphics with something better just as soon as I finish writing this code; oh look it is deadline time." Plus some Helvetica.
9446. Anonymous ( – 27 Apr 2010 15:33:07 Inverse Mutton-chops! ]
You RULE! Grow it back.
9445. William ( – 26 Apr 2010 13:53:55 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
bouncecrab OS X available from ! (For some reason the OS X version is like an order of magnitude bigger?)
9444. Ryan ( – 26 Apr 2010 11:17:58 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
What about a online high scores board?
9443. Tom 7 ( – 26 Apr 2010 11:11:46 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Fixed permissions. Thanks for the bug report!

You can see how unfinished the game is, like with the end screen being itself a "level" on which you keep dying, and the first level just being a sketch of something so I could test the physics. :) I'm glad you guys found it fun anyway.
9442. Chris C ( – 26 Apr 2010 10:43:51 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Improbably fun.

Also I love the writing across the bottom of the first level.
9441. Nels ( – 26 Apr 2010 09:41:50 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Good work Tom.

Man, I dig the aesthetic of Pirate-go-Round.
9440. Nels ( – 26 Apr 2010 09:38:56 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
I won!
9439. Rob ( – 26 Apr 2010 07:04:38 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
9438. jcreed ( – 26 Apr 2010 06:54:12 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
I like you keep flying. I thought the hangar level was a level and tried pretty hard to accomplish anything before giving up.

Tell Renshaw (I'm assuming it's that David?) that the permissions bits on the windows port need to be fixed; I'm getting a permission denied.
9437. jsstylos ( – 26 Apr 2010 01:31:21 Ludum Dare 17: You Keep Flying ]
Nice. The music is great, and fits the game. The physics don't remind me of an airplane, but I'm not sure what would they do remind me of (a rocket maybe?).
9436. Behind the Redwood Curtain ( – 24 Apr 2010 00:02:06 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Ick. We found the noodle-y kind in our house, too. It might be peziza domiciliana, but it also kinda looks like tremella foliacea...what do you other "lasagna mushroom" sufferers think? I have 2 botanist friends, both are avid mycology fanatics, and they were all shrugs about this situation.

No one knows how to find out if their type of fungus is dangerous to their respiratory health or otherwise? Cursedagger posted that they were able to send off a specimen of their mushroom infestation to someone for analysis (albeit it in Australia)--what kind of professionals can you send your bathroom mushrooms to?! Do we have these "mushroom analysts" in the US?

Questions aside, the hard truth of the matter is that if you have mushrooms growing in your house the actual mushrooms are the proverbial "tip of the iceberg," as they are just the "seeds" from the mycelial threads hidden beneath your floor or wall. Getting rid of the mushrooms alone is like trying to remove your apple tree by picking all the apples off.

I'm going to try to figure out how extensive the damage is in my case, and then get back on here when I know more. But I implore anyone who has *real*, *professional,* *educated* answers on the subject to please share them. It's scary as hell finding this crap in your house, and showering next to creepy yellow brain-looking things sucks on toast! These are not the cutesy cap mushrooms that smarmy caterpillars puff hookas upon. Nooo.

Some answers, or an indication of who to call for answers would make having read all these horror stories have some kind of point... (I hope.)
9435. Nels ( – 23 Apr 2010 10:39:30 Happy 10th Anniversary, Stalkertron 2000! ]
lulz @ WebTV.
9434. Anonymous ( – 21 Apr 2010 19:47:31 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Ahh I just found these mushrooms in my basement...sick!
9433. Tom 7 ( – 18 Apr 2010 15:54:56 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I'm no dad! :)
9432. devin ( – 17 Apr 2010 17:49:33 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
not really my dad is 48...
9431. FLESHY COLORED PALE WRINKLY/PIG SKIN ... ( – 16 Apr 2010 12:52:09 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I went to do laundry this morning and noticed the side of my cement wall has light pale, flesh colored wrinkly looking mushrooms, sort of like pig ears/skin as stated above by others. I live in Atlantic county NJ and we have just been through some severe flooding in the past 2 months and President Obama has declared it a disaster area. Are these a poisonous variety? My husband goes mushroom hunting in the woods a lot, but can't seem to figure out what kind these are? I wouldn't eat them but wanted to find out if they are a health hazard.
9430. smagill ( – 15 Apr 2010 15:58:45 Airborne Toxic Event ]
"We should record them for our non-Pittsburgh peoples."

Now that I'm one of the non-Pittsburgh people, I definitely agree with this!

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