9171. Anonymous (cpe-72-224-188-35.maine.res.rr.com) –
29 Nov 2009 21:13:09
2270 SAT
14th out of 55 in my class
crappy ECs
mediocre grades
well, let's see where i get. |
I just submitted an animation bug level where it shows Bot 2 pushing a block and Bot 3 walking onto the block pushing another block that was coming out of the first block and then after everything stops the first block vanishes.
What should happen is the block is pushed down by Bot 2 and then Bot 3 pushes the same block afterward. But I don't think this will be easy to fix. |
Yeah, a new version of Escape and a new feedback thread are overdue.
It's been two years since last update, which is about the time between each of the last updates and new thread additions.
Also, here's another item idea: A Tankbot (or Tank) - When a Tankbot is in a position in "front" of a prong of a Laser, is pushed onto Electric, or it is broken by a Dalek the Tankbot will explode just like a bomb. But at the same time, Tankbots can move up to two spaces by themselves.
Of course I sent it. Who else could have spoken from that perspective...the Illuminati?
LP is "Let's Play", a style of video meant to show a curious audience through a game many of them may not be familiar with. Often, the player's presentation style is as much a focus of the video as the game itself, and usually the videos exist to praise the game and draw in a new audience (there exist a few LPs of the form "Look how much this game sucks!", but that obviously can't be the case with this one.)
My input on an official collection is that there should (for now) be two collections of official non-tutorial levels ("Escape 1" and "Escape 2", or what have you), with the before/after cutoff point being Tutorial 22. But we might want to find a better place to organize these thoughts than 300+ posts into a general purpose discussion thread. |
What do you mean by LP-styled video? I agree with the things you said about the Escape spoiler secrecy culture, which is something that I encourage. That's mainly because I think the temptation for walkthroughs is too high and that they basically ruin it. I might be too conservative. I think it would be interesting to see director-style commentary about some levels, though. (like by the author or explaining a devastating cook?) I've also been meaning, for forever, to make an official level collection, though I don't think it would change the spoiling nature of spoilers. :) |
radiant, did you send this message to me? |
This is the private message that SadisticMystic sent to me through YouTube:
So I've been wanting to do an LP-styled video for Escape. Where I run into problems, though, is figuring out what exactly I should show therein.
In order to draw in potential players, it would make sense to include some of the more memorable levels like block cipher, Bigger Waste of Time, or EWR, but outright explaining and solving those levels on video would probably be a huge letdown to David/Brian/Tom/whoever it may be. Indeed, I'd rather not use my own "hard" levels like Assembly Line and Quintuple File for the same reason. On the other hand, including only the trivial and boring 0-2 difficulty levels would be shorting viewers a good deal of what the game is capable of and why it's worth playing.
It occurs to me that Escape culture is just plain more skittish about discussing and disclosing solution strategies than other games like Chip's Challenge, which I attribute to two main causes:
1. By design, of course, Escape is strictly a turn-based game, with no timing windows, reaction, or (ugh) nondeterministic behavior to speak of. Meanwhile, CC has all of these things. As a result, when you read up on a Chips solution it's as though you actually have to _do_ something to bring it to fruition, while in this game all there is is a series of moves you can enter in at your own pace, and even undo if you mess up entering it in, and it'll work every time. Seems a lot like the problems RIAA and MPAA are complaining about, really.
2. Escape has no such concept (yet) as an official levelset. It seems to me that in CC, there's a lot of open route discussion for the official and semi-official sets, but the numerous other sets are discussed in terms as vague as for Escape. This makes sense in a way: detailing level packs 1 and 2 can be framed as "giving a walkthrough to beat the game", which is something you see for a lot of games. But when a game doesn't even have a concept of being beat, other than a constantly-evolving set of 2500+ disconnected levels, what sense does any attempt at a walkthrough make?
As the three players I was able to find on the site that will host the end result of this endeavor (provided there is an end result), I was wondering what any of you might have to say about it.
Sent to: suckerpinch, thetopcrusader2, garygoh884 |
9164. Anonymous (adsl-69-237-156-10.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net) –
28 Nov 2009 15:21:57
I took the sat three times and ended up with a 1980.
I'm Asian American - first generation american. I grew up with parents, who can't speak English (but enlglish is my strongest subject... oddly 0_0).
My weighted gpa is 3.86 unweighted is probably around 3.5
Took about 13 AP classes and graduating with an IB diploma.
I am an officer at FBLA (VP), member of our city's Chamber of Commerce, have a tone of comm. service hours.
Do think I can get into any of the Claremont colleges, esp. Pomona?
or UCLA, UCI, Occidental?
(note: 'in front of a laser' means if you were in that spot, you would be zapped by a laser)
Crazy Item Idea (it's a tiny bit long): Zap Node - They are like remotes in the fact that you can't step on them and they flip a targeted location when activated, - They are like transponders in movement except they can't be pushed onto panels, - And they can be destroyed by bombs.
Zap Nodes are activated when they pass in front of a laser. Once it activates, it flips it's target tile with it's bizzaro counter part, and then the Zap Node turns into a Dark Zap Node, which doesn't activate by being in front of a laser.
A Dark Zap Node also flips it's target location when activated, and it turns back into a regular Zap Node when activated. A Dark Zap Node activates when it:
A. Moves
B. Is on the Bizzaro World (Dark Zap Nodes cannot be placed on the Bizzaro World inside the editor, only regular Zap Nodes can)
C. Is no longer in front of a laser
A Zap Node(either kind) can be pushed(that should be obvious now) and it's target location doesn't change when it's moved.
This might be hard to do, but it would allow a lot more interesting level possibilities. |
Another great release,
thank you Tom7! |
tapemaker v.2 works better
Oh also btw this is a Britney Spears cover. |
second try worked
I am now working on a "tape" series. try "tapemaker". |
9157. Tom 7 (h-66-167-250-222.phlapafg.dynamic.covad.net) –
22 Nov 2009 23:33:35
[ New! Escape 200704130 ]
Ladon, is it making progress or is it just stalled on one file? It shouldn't time out if it's making progress. |
|Anonymous (tca161.ras.itlnet.net) – 11.22.09 21:18:47
|The level update is literally as slow as christmas!
|Well it is just starting from scratch too.
that was me (tca161.ras.itlnet.net) |
merry christmas i got a coal-it timed out
9154. Tom 7 (h-66-167-250-222.phlapafg.dynamic.covad.net) –
22 Nov 2009 22:24:25
[ New! Escape 200704130 ]
You might need to update the level collection in order to get the most up-to-date records. |
Also part of my artistic statement is that the links change after a few hours to go directly to the song. |
The level update is literally as slow as christmas!
Well it is just starting from scratch too. |
I have a hex editor: hexplorer
Try it.
I especially like the bits in the middle where it gets sparse and there are melodies fighting acrobatically with each other. |
9149. jcreed (pool-173-59-95-225.phlapa.east.verizon.net) –
22 Nov 2009 19:47:52
[ Action Jackson MS ]
Gary Hustwit's... "Nelsvetica" |
Tadbot: Who do you think you are, questioning Tom's intent like that and saying what the link _should be_? Has it not occurred to you that making us manually guess the correct URL and fix it is part of the artistic statement? Geez. Some people should just stick to listening to Britney Spears rather than pretend they have sophistication. |
In the link to the file, the last / should be a -. |