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13851. matus, ( – 02 Nov 2021 08:55:38 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
second page of google results. the world has crumbled.

also, i had this nightmare that the logical conclusion of pac tom is you move to another city.

i'll go put on some "rutgers" and "i'm a proof" to steady my breathing
13850. Tom 7 ( – 31 Oct 2021 23:36:20 Number 42 ]
Thanks folks! Happy birthday to you too!
I certainly didn't invent FixedSys but it's true that I use some form of it in an awful lot of my projects, partly because I used a modified bitmap version of it in Escape, and I end up cloning "font.png" into most of my SDL projects. (Oddly I am able to resist the urge to make a new font at the moments where I think: "I need to render some text!")
13849. Tom 7 ( – 31 Oct 2021 22:27:21 Mostly, vaxcation ]
Since TTF uses integer coordinates, it seems to me that you get perfect results if you size the grid so that the source pixels fall exactly on the grid, and then just outline the shape. It seems to help to explicitly turn off anti-aliasing when rasterizing it, too, although only if you are super picky (I am).

If you want to try to convert a font, you could try my "makesfd" here (it's just standalone C++17):
although you probably need to manually make the input image (see e.g. fixedersys.png and its associated cfg file). You have to load the generated SFD format with FontForge to actually generate the TTF. It's also possible that FontForge already has a way to do this, especially if you already have some kind of font file.

The NES images pictured are basically just an autoencoder I was using to test out, yes!
13848. Tom 7 ( – 31 Oct 2021 22:19:23 Happy -2020 and +2021! ]
Yes that's what I meant about Monkey Island!
"2nd playthrough" was about Cave Story, but I was referring to the upside-down part of SOTN. If there's a NG+ or something I never tried it :)
13847. Jmony@6969 ( – 25 Oct 2021 00:50:48 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
The particle board that is used today in construction is made out of various types of trees, for, pine, alder, cottonwood. When these trees are brought to the chip mill that have mushroom spore already attached to them, whether it be from natural mutation on the tree or if spore was smeared on the tree somewhere at sometime during the processing of the tree from the forest.
These tree are cut into chip and hauled to another mill which gathers all the chips together and flattens them into construction particle board, this the mushroom spores are already impregnated into the material.
The spore can go thru a lot of conditions and remain dormant until the perfect conditions arise and thus the mushroom comes back to life to self-propugate, it being in your bathroom, under your bed, the kitchen sink area, where the conditions proved.
13844. A. A. ( – 13 Oct 2021 19:45:33 Mostly, vaxcation ]
Is this just an autoencoder or is something more fancy going on?
13843. A. A. ( – 12 Oct 2021 11:29:15 Happy -2020 and +2021! ]
I too have fond memories of monkey island sword fighting (I assume you are talking about the final boss fight where all the comebacks are different).

How is the 2nd playthru of sotn different? You don't mean the upside down part do you? It just feels like more of the same to me....
13842. A. A. ( – 12 Oct 2021 11:04:05 Mostly, vaxcation ]
So how hard is it to make a fake bitmap ttf? I've got the sgi console font in a true bitmap font format (.font) and none of the online sites are interested in converting to a modern font format that window 10+ demands.
13841. Reziac ( – 05 Oct 2021 19:24:06 Number 42 ]
This is so very weird. I first saw your fonts... 25? years ago, but just last month tripped over this blog. Sometimes the world is very small. Happy birthday!
13839. Anonymous ( – 02 Oct 2021 14:52:14 Number 42 ]
Happy Birthday!
13838. AnonymousBJ ( – 02 Oct 2021 12:26:25 ARST ARSW ]
Hi Tom! Great work.
13837. Roland M ( – 01 Oct 2021 22:30:57 Number 42 ]
Looking at those images of FixedSys, I'm realizing that in my mind FixedSys has always just been "The Tom7 font" :P
13836. Tom 7 ( – 30 Sep 2021 22:20:18 NEW: Tom's Novel: 'Name of Author by Title of Book' ]
Thanks for perusing my old things and for telling me, Someone! (:
13834. Someone who still used diapers when y... ( – 29 Sep 2021 22:42:03 NEW: Tom's Novel: 'Name of Author by Title of Book' ]
Hey Tom, just letting you know that you still rock, and your old stuff still rules.
13828. jonas ( – 03 Aug 2021 09:49:23 22:33:44 ]
Well, I did also consider the possibility that rather than using cake, which you can bake in advance and store for weeks, your costume includes something more perishable so you need to do most of the setup on the dawn of the race.
13827. Tom 7 ( – 31 Jul 2021 23:32:00 22:33:44 ]
jonas: I sure made it sound like that, huh? It is well underway although I did make a mistake in the design (isn't this what CAD is supposed to prevent??) that was a bit discouraging, but correctable. It is still true that I can probably get this done in a weekend if I just stop getting distracted (:
13826. Tom 7 ( – 31 Jul 2021 22:15:30 22:33:44 ]
Anon: Thx! I was sure I tested it but I maybe have changed something afterwards. Should be fixed now!
13822. Anonymous ( – 17 Jul 2021 19:20:33 22:33:44 ]
This is entirely unrelated to this post but I just wanted to tell you that all the images and download links on your fonts page are broken (404)
13820. Scott F ( – 06 Jul 2021 03:13:51 Summer! ]
It's interesting that TypeScript won the popularity contest over Flow, which was fundamentally a stronger system that caught more errors. Must have been some combination of tooling, marketing, and the network effect of a large community. Now Facebook admits it's only building Flow for its own use and won't take other users into consideration anymore, so that pretty much ends the competition.
13819. jonas ( – 01 Jul 2021 15:15:51 22:33:44 ]
> The main problem is that to finish the project and the filming, I need a decent weekend (like: not on a road trip, not hosting visitor, not 95°F, not raining) and these have *not* been forthcoming.

Does this mean that's you're basically done with the costume? Great!

13818. Adam ( – 01 Jul 2021 01:18:45 22:33:44 ]
13817. Anonymous ( – 20 Jun 2021 01:59:41 Summer! ]
If you want something JS-y with a good type system, I would recommend purescript [1]. It it perhaps quite a jump even from TS in terms of language feel, but I've found it to be an absolute revelation for front-end work!

13816. Alsina ( – 11 Jun 2021 00:43:15 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
I'd toootally play the guitar hero thing if it ever came out, lol
The robot makes it worth it! :v
13815. Tim McCormack ( – 01 Jun 2021 10:58:08 Summer! ]
My wife has a background in horticulture, agronomy, and ecology and was WTFing quite a bit throughout The Martian. Apparently the author researched the space stuff pretty well but thought "eh, biology, how complicated could that be?" and didn't invest so much in the realism there. (Someone with the protagonist's background should know better than to plant a monoculture in such dire circumstances, for instance.)
13814. Jessy King ( – 01 Jun 2021 00:48:24 Happy 20th birthday Escape!! ]
I have a question. Is there a real human here who can get back to me?

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