Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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13530. fetjuel ( – 30 May 2018 03:11:06 Measure twice, order twice ]
Let me Google that for me; apparently you played it three years ago!
13529. fetjuel ( – 30 May 2018 03:09:44 Measure twice, order twice ]
Have you played La-Mulana? That seems up your alley.
13528. Feeve ( – 28 May 2018 02:49:03 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Ahh I wanted to try using about 20+ computers with the project to boost timings at the cost of a heavy electric bill hahah for time. Scopefun still works fine, tricky to encode the end result but it works.

As for utils.o I am 98% sure it failed with "not found" I asked around and weirdly enough I cant get a valid answer no matter where I checked. Other than that as-is the program still works just fine with the binaries, using a super modern Intel 7800 gives about 10 inputs in a 6 to 40 second range! On a single computer of course.

Ill give compiling another good attempt in another hour or so. Cheers!
13527. Adhesion ( – 20 May 2018 20:53:32 Measure twice, order twice ]
Games-wise, I just finished Metroid: Samus Returns which was pretty solid, about what you would expect from a 2D metroid game. Not quite on the level of Super Metroid, but what is I suppose. I've also been playing a bunch of Horizon: Zero Dawn (also quite good and fairly similar to Breath of the Wild) and slowly grinding through a 100% run of the Final Fantasy XII remaster.
13526. Tom 7 ( – 12 May 2018 15:08:15 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Oh, I bet that using zopflipng or pngcrush on the controller graphics (I did this for my whole repository) made it so they can't be opened by stb_image. I think I got some reports about this one. Anyway, scopefun is not worth end-users using... just load up the movies in FCEUX.

Compiling is not going to be easy. I recommend just using the binaries unless you want to make modifications. (These do have network support, at least localhost.) Not sure what "utils" is -- util.o? netutil.o?
13525. jonas ( – 08 May 2018 04:30:20 Measure twice, order twice ]
And I should have known that too, because you said it in the 2017-09-30 entry.
13524. Tom 7 ( – 07 May 2018 23:51:04 Measure twice, order twice ]
Alas, I already played through that one! I did really like it, though.
13523. jonas ( – 07 May 2018 10:52:53 Measure twice, order twice ]
> Any new games to recommend?

Well, I heard rumors to the effect that *The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild* is a pretty good game. Some gamers even called it the best game ever.
13522. Feeve ( – 01 May 2018 02:04:06 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Hey Tom7! Been a long fan of this project since it came out in 2013ish. Hope you keep at it, I still enjoy playing with learnfun and enjoy its interesting quirks to this day even!

When compiling I couldn't get it to complete in hopes to get the network portions of the program up and running. I also would like make a small side-note, I noticed the two controller images were updated (smaller size... maybe alpha removed?) causing scopefun not to play nice with them... luckily the older ones still work fine. Anyways im not a programmer by any means but this did get me super interested into getting into it, wanted to say thanks for putting so much work and effort into something for everyone to enjoy!

Anyways fails to compile at utils.o missing
13521. Tom 7 ( – 21 Apr 2018 19:51:47 SIGBOVIK 2018 ]
Scott: hehe thanks :) I have no doubt that it's some data error, since that of course would be a ridiculous title for a paper. (In my mind it's a bad scan of some graphic design that has the word "grid" repeated over and over, like in a grid.) Since the one you mention is from "gridlines", one could imagine that (maybe their logo is like a bunch of copies of the word "grid" in a line :))

Anon: PocSci will be May 25, although I don't have any official info!

Tristan: While I certainly appreciate (and very much deserve) pedantic corrections, I think this is not a mistake. Long ago when I learned C programming, the book I was reading insisted on a difference between "null" (i.e., the null pointer) and "nul" (the byte 0). You can see for example in a table of ASCII that this byte is usually abbreviated "NUL." That said, writing it with one L is rare in the modern era, and maybe it should have been capitalized as NUL in this context. No doubt there are many incontrovertible errors in the paper, should you wish to dig.
13520. Tristan ( – 19 Apr 2018 15:16:07 SIGBOVIK 2018 ]
I have very pressing news regarding your Academic Advancement Advice: Author Articles as A.A paper. I don't want to shock you, but I'm afraid to say that you've submitted a paper into a prestigious academic conference without proper copyediting. I've found a typo in section 3: The Data, paragraph 1, sentence 5. You've seemed to invented a new type of byte, called "nul-byte". Now I would never accuse you of missing such a grave mistake, this was probably the fault of the copyediting agency you hired to look over this paper before publication. Here I will provide some other, highly reputable agencies that would never make such a mistake. I hope you find their services useful in the future.
The Proofreaders
Laurel Copyediting

Best of luck,
13519. RadAcoustics ( – 17 Apr 2018 07:26:07 Quake 3 Done! ]
Tom I refuse to let this thread die. 4 yrs since my last post and it's still here there was a reason I called this the eternal thread. The old school posting look its like a magic nostalgia trip. So after 16yrs do we have the record, if not i'll post again until we do.
13518. Anonymous ( – 05 Apr 2018 20:47:21 SIGBOVIK 2018 ]
Do you have the date for PoCSci?
13517. Anonymous ( – 02 Apr 2018 22:22:27 ARST ARSW ]
> I'd find a phrase in the audio, then type "if this is a consular ship where
is the ambassador" and it'd just split up that loop into 10 mini-loops of the
same length, one for each word.

Tom, why didn't you use a subtitle file to skip this step? It would contain literally the entire *timed* movie dialogue (in an easily parse-able format).
13516. Scott / Graue ( – 01 Apr 2018 22:43:54 SIGBOVIK 2018 ]
I've really Folin in love with your writing.

I looked for the Grid grid grid grid grid... paper and only found this - maybe it's a data issue? “Leigland, James; Russell, Henry. 2009. New Needs for Technical Assistance : Responding to the Effects of the Financial Crisis on Private Participation in Infrastructure. Gridlines; No. 49. World Bank, Washington, DC.”
13515. Tom ( – 31 Mar 2018 19:00:48 UPD: Embed / DMCA threats ]
I never responded to their final mail, and they seem to have abandoned the complaint.
13514. calendar ( – 31 Mar 2018 16:53:59 Old man complains about discomfort ]
You have less than four simultaneous 24-hour rotations of Earth until the next post. Good luck finding the Easter eggs.
13513. Anonymous ( – 27 Mar 2018 04:59:12 UPD: Embed / DMCA threats ]
So what was your reply to their pointless final email or did you just forget about them after that?
13512. Anonymous ( – 25 Mar 2018 18:39:31 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I scored 1100 on the new SAT. I think I have nice GPA. Do I have a chance of getting to NYU?
13511. zGeneral ( – 17 Mar 2018 18:06:19 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Hey Tom
I am having a blast with your AI program.
currently running Gradius as it is my favorite childhood game.
I will post the results here when done.
13510. Tom 7 ( – 14 Mar 2018 22:39:28 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
I haven't modified that version since release. I recommend setting the priority of the helpers to the lowest class; I didn't have any problem playing games or whatever foreground apps when I was running it for days on end to make those videos.

There's a new version in development now which is easier to use, but saving is still a difficult feature to support, so it's unlikely, sorry!
13509. ana ( – 04 Mar 2018 21:40:58 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
is there still no save feature at all? i want to have playfun learn mega man, but i don't quite appreciate it eating up my cpu 24/7 and i can't just have it running in the background bc it makes most programs lag
13508. Anonymous ( – 13 Feb 2018 23:41:29 SIGBOVIK 2017: ABC ]
I just found this video. This is easily the best explanation of *multiple* subjects I've ever seen.
13507. Anonymous ( – 05 Feb 2018 17:07:42 ARST ARSW ]
13506. Tom 7 ( – 31 Jan 2018 23:25:43 The adventures of learnfun and playfun, part 2 ]
Anon1: I've tried this, but so far without any real success. GPUs don't seem well suited to executing NES instructions, unfortunately. I have some more ideas in the queue that I hope to get back to, though.

Oaklr: Are you running helpers first? It's saying it can't connect to one on port 8000. Some other comments on this page may show you what you need to do, but I also tried to write it clearly in the readme...

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