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Up-to-date: Album-a-day
(22 Mar 2008 at 12:33) |
Wowza, I knew I was behind on album-a-day updates, but when I finally got around to posting the backlog (and I was doing this thing where I don't pee or eat until I'm done even thought I definitely need to eat and pee because of all of the coffee) I realized that it was over a year overdue! Now the album-a-day page is up to date. We can have a little party because this last batch of updates (53) put the total count (388) past 365, which if you think about it, means that this project has wasted/enriched a whole person-year of music making. (OK, not really, since most people do not spend the whole 24 hours making music. But it is symbolic, dude.) I apologize to all the AAD faithfuls for taking so long with their albums. The main reason for this is that I have a half-written automated version of the AAD submission process, so the idea of doing this manual cut'n'paste business is extra off-putting.
Another thing is, someone mentioned in the submit comments that he had heard about AAD in an NPR segment about National Novel Writing month, which also mentioned AAD. Did anyone else hear this or know where I could find it?
By the way, since it's been about 10 years since last time, I have begun ListenQuest Maximus 2008. This is where I listen to all of my CDs in their entirety (I have like a thousand??). You can tell that I'm doing this because it is the only occasion in which I listen to the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers soundtrack that I ill-advisedly bought when I was a They Might Be Giants completist because it had one unreleased song on it. So, like, do not take my recently listened box as any kind of recommendation for the next several months. |
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February snows bring march thundersnows
(03 Mar 2006 at 10:48) |
Some other things happened!
When I did my thesis proposal last week I also created a fake thesis proposal talk as a stress-relief exercise. Those who were on time to my practice talk saw it, but William didn't and asked me about it and so here it is for him and for posterity. Don't expect anything amazing.
I completed ListenQuest mini 2006. The last time I did this was in April of last year. It's when I listen to every MP3 in my collection that I didn't make and is rated 3 or higher. Since I accidentally enqueued them twice and then randomized when I was part-way through, I actually ended up listening to them all 2 times. This means about 38 hours of music, which took me several weeks to finish. Now I feel a little lost when I sit down at my computer since I need to, you know, think about what I want to listen to.
Every time I get back into running daily we get some kind of crazy snow or storm that does me in. Like two nights ago we had snow and rain and lightning all in one, and this morning the sidewalks are all frozen with invisible ice. Go away, weatherman!
What else? Puppet party coming up this weekend means for sure some nice photo opportunities. We also went to a bunch of concerts recently. Each had its problems, but listening to all of this live music is making me want to make music again. I gotta tune this piano and crap somethin' out, AAD-style. |
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ListenQuest mini 2005
(26 Apr 2005 at 09:25) |
This morning I finished listening to every MP3 on my computer with a rating of 3/5 stars (ie, songs that I specifically like) or better. This took me two weeks! It is a nice way to listen to music, though--much better than when I forced myself to listen to every CD in my collection, all the way through, even like the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie soundtrack. I did that in College, and it would be at least twice as hard today, especially since there are a number of discs I've almost totally grown out of.
Speaking of mini, the Famicompo Mini vol.2, which is an informal competition to make new Nintendo music, is currently underway. It ends with the month of April. In addition to extending my midimml software substantially (changes are secret to give me an edge in the contest!) I've written about half a song, but I need to pick up the pace... |