10769. LaTresha Gordon ( –
18 Oct 2011 15:42:27
I scored a 2220 on my practice GED test but I am afraid to go take the offical test. |
10766. Anonymous ( –
17 Oct 2011 04:33:43
Critical Reading - 500
Writing - 710
Math - 500
Essay - 10 (2 reviews)
Which is weird because I'm a junior, graduating, and in like the 1% of my class in any school I've gone to.
I guess I won't be applying to Stanford anytime soon. Goodbye elite education; hello relying on myself to get a good future! |
10764. Anonymous ( –
16 Oct 2011 21:48:21
this site is really helpful (sometimes disheartening because a lot of people's stats (sat scores, ap scores, etc) are really high) but from an information standpoint, it's great. lots of student and dean forums to read about.
you don't have to sign up read any of the forums, but if you want to ask questions from other students/deans, you need to create an account. |
Alien life form (look like molluscs but probably mushrooms) growing in shower where some tiles are loose and allowing water to slip into subflooring. What's it going to cost to FIX this problem?? Has anyone had to rip out their entire shower & subflooring & redo? What did it cost?? |
10758. Anonymous ( –
15 Oct 2011 11:43:48
do i have chance to go in rutgers if i have 2.0 gpa and sat score coming soon and i live in new jersey and resident of new jersey? please reply i really need help |
we have a few in the kitchen can any one help me on getting rid of it
I didnt know what da heck was goin on, I went into my upstairs bathroom and while using i noticed what appeared to b a mushroom, WHAT DA HECK was my first response. 1st of all i didnt know they grew in people households, i do my best to keep it clean being that i have young children, but with young children there is always a problem wit splashin water and spills, but i have to get this taken care all cause i dont like the fact of no nothin growin inside my home. WOW im just shocked silly. |
I can't believe I read this all... between 9pm & 6am?
Tom, you're incredible.
how does one human being do as much stuff as you do? Is this what it looks like when a person doesn't sit idle, like, ever?
I'd much prefer your type of insanity to mine. Yours makes stuff & is riotously funny. |
Quick question. Why don't you add an obvious link to your Pac Tom webpage ("http://pac.tom7.org/") from the main webpage of your internet ("http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~tom7/"), and possibly also from the other sites page of the another page ("http://carnage-melon.tom7.org/othersites.html").
omg i just found one this morning and i was like what the fuc* i never seen or new that it could happen, i read all this posted and are shocked that it is a common problem i have to get this checked out are landlord knows that we have had a leak but has not fixed the problem go figure yuck gross if its because of mold im going to flip out
I had mushrooms growing from between the bathtub and tile for the last year. The bathroom had an in-wall leak a couple of years ago. My homeowner insurance covered opening the walls and checking for mold, they found none. The mushrooms continued to appear. Because this is a rental property, I had the walls around the tub removed but found no sign of mold or dry rot. Now I have a new bathroom and peace of mind that I won't be sued. |
I have a mushroom looking thing growing between the cement near the step to my front door. Its creepy looking. It looks like a tan marshmellow. The inside is dark brown. I think I will try to get the TKO. Any suggestions? |
Um, looks like that didn't turn out well. I'm not going to go out of my way to try and fix it now. |
I can see what ways both of these arguments are going. The idea would certainly help in some cases, but as they are still they would need more work. Here is something needed to make this idea work:
Where a line shifts over and one turns. Also these (crossings)
`|| |a| `| |
-++- |n| -+-+-
`|| |d| -+-+-
`___ |_| `| |
In all the cases above the .'s and `'s do not represent anything.
I do see the points that both of you are making, and do actually agree with both of you. |
I found a mushroom sprouting along the linoleum from the corner of our bathroom floor this morning. It just about scared the s*** out of me because at first glance I thought is was a mouse or something. We live in military housing and - just like renting - there's only so much we can do. Personally, I'd already have somebody set to come in and rip open the wall. Our two bathrooms are back to back and this is the shared wall. I swear the rot must go all the way around the shower in the master bath. I've had to call maintenance out in there a couple of times due to the opposite wall giving way under my hand, right next to the shower. All they did was patch it up with caulk. They did the same thing with this - removed the mushroom and caulked the seams. I think we're going to have to pay for an independent mold inspector and then walk into the housing office with the report before anything worthwhile actually gets done. I hate to imagine what I know must be growing back there. |
So if you tried replacing the center square there with a standard vertical wire, the circuit wouldn't work. That rather limits the appeal of those things. |
this is to "compress" the wires. instead of using 2 lines of wires, you can use just 1 line for 2 wires!
Now see this image:
this explains a lot! |
10728. Anonymous ( –
03 Oct 2011 04:24:13
I'm sorry to put a damper on your hopes. But anything below 2000 will significantly hurt your chances to a top-tier college.
I was surprised to see so many people receiving low scores in the 1200-1400 range. A high GPA won't save those low scores, especially with less-than-extraordinary extracurricular activities. I received an 1850 without studying. Not good, but slightly above average.
And also, volunteer work is hardly a good E.C. It's not distinguishing enough for top-tier schools. Try winning an Intel Science Competition, interning, or conducting your own research project and publishing it in a scholarly journal. To those who hold leadership positions, congrats! Great job!
@Anonymite Good luck with NYU, I think you'll make it! My plan is to transfer to an Ivy League in my sophomore year (b/c I have almost no chance right now) |
Those don't line up with the graphics for the existing wires, and what would the point of the "=" tile be? |
10726. Entreprise de traduction ( –
03 Oct 2011 01:42:00
[ Vibra-Atoms ]
I just added this site to my google reader, great stuff. Cannot get enough! |
(copy the url and paste it in your browser's address bar)
I did some art for the 2-way wires. but you'll need to do the rest by yourself. |
You should put a 2-way wire (like the equal (=) sign)
I'll do some art for it... |
Got a little migrane right now...downloaded it yesterday and liked it enough for my ear to do a double take ,will listen again later and add to my PCDJ playlist later....duce , Keep producing tom radar 7 |
Well I must be in good company to find so many excellent people with like mushroom issues. Ours are in our laundry room behind the washer. They are a light beige ruffle looking mushroom.
I first noticed some dark spots on the wall beside the washer and pulled it out to see what it was. The spots went back and around the corner to behind the washer. The mushrooms, however, were under the dryer electrical outlet. I think that is odd, but I'm just an observer.
I am surprised to see how many people have opted to used bleach. In my research I saw several warnings saying "do not used bleach". None ever said why but I choose to error on the side of caution and am not using bleach. I chose to use white vinegar because I already had a full bottle handy in my pantry.
The white vinegar is doing ok in containing the spots til our contractor neighbor can get over in a couple days to take care of the problem. We've decided to pull off the moldy wall board, find and fix the source of the leak and replace the washer spickets while we're at it (they're old and not the proper ones for a laundry hookup anyway. Some previous owner's bad idea).
If this sounds expensive to you, I quite disagree because we're not rich and can't afford to waste money. We prefer to get it done right the first time and not have it eating the inside of our walls up and popping up in other rooms. We really don't want it becoming a major remodel down the road.
Good luck to those of you who have opted for that "if I wait long enough it'll go away" method. That's probably why some of your homes/apts are falling down, because someone before you opted for that method and now you've got major health and safety problems.
Sorry for your losses. Hope you all the best. |