(The same thing often happens with the cat stuck in the top left corner of the dead-end butterfly room at the right of the underground. But this one looks better because it's like the cat is being tantalized by the sight of a cheezburger right in front of its face.) |
Haha Ryan, I almost deleted that...
Thanks Roger! Glad you got the Stimulated Emission joke too. I was afraid that would not come across in the lyrics. |
Well it seems like everybody has these bathroom mushrooms, I'd never heard of it until well.. there they were, growing by the tub. Weird thing I didnt seen anyone else mention - when I pulled one of them up, it like... emitted this white looking fog? Then when I threw it on the patio table (for outdoor inspection) it did it again, a little mist of white. Are those the spores? That's freaking creepy. It looked like fog or white steam, then dissipated into the air. |
That was awesome! Way to take a totally crappy theme and do something original in so many ways with it. I love that both cats have different "personalities." And the ending is so gratifying! Freaking cats. |
I was very encouraged to find this site. The reason being that this is such an informative post. I wanted to thank you for this informative analysis of the subject. I definitely savored every little bit of it and I submitted your site to some of the biggest social networks so others can find your blog. |
Hi Tom 7!
I also used your music in a youtube video. Its about lasers and I thought that your music was just right!
P.S. Your comment system rejected the original youtube link... |
Sorry! Both concerts were great and very different. The Garfield artworks show was pretty raucous, with a pretty great crowd (probably 30 people?), some actual dancing and flashing (!) and a compulsory encore. Pretty much everybody there was our friend. At Club Cafe we had a smaller audience, though also a bunch of people there to see the other band. It was way more restrained and intimate. The sound was awesome as always. We played a slow version of Sick Day which was quite fun, and gave our our dividend treats (more about this in a big). I wanted to record the shows, but I don't have a good way to do it unless we're playing off my PA. I should figure something out for our LD superfans and also because I like to have a record (they're fun for long runs). |
Man I feel like an ass nagging about this, especially having two posts in a row about it, but I am seriously itching to know how this went. |
Well, you do have a point, but even a timer length 10 bot could be used to make a devious challenge, although taking some cleverness on the author's part.
Then again about the problem:
•There have been really good levels where the way the bots work allow cooks like not worrying about a bot. An example are Dave's attempts to fix his mods of devin's Triplets & 1950's, where the bot kept getting left behind.
•The difficulties of bots: Hugbots are too friendly, Daleks are too determined to kill you, and Nervous bots are too easily disposed of. Yet Daleks and Hugbots are natural parts of the game.
Also, timer length 3 is the smallest in which you can normally turn a bomb (2 in rare cases), 5 allows normal U-turns, 7 allows going around a 1x1 square and turning, 9 allows U-turns around 1x1 squares and going around a 2x1. |
ok how do we get rid or them? landlord fixed leek , an we started useing the shower again, they are back an in different places in the bathroom. i already have a child with asthma, does anyone know what kind they are? (white with sunken top)? |
N7DOT, I think that's a pretty good idea. One of the big gameplay problems with hugbots is how they get stuck to the player, which means they are of limited general use (though I have been quite impressed with the depths to which people put them!). Your idea is nice and simple and uses an existing concept in the game (countdown timers on bots), so I like that. The main issue I see is that with any timer length >=2, you can push a nervous bot basically anywhere, which I think means that the level composer doesn't have much control over the scope of where nervous bots can go. Still, something to consider... |
I am definitely planning to use the assessment "Ugh, poop city!" the next time I must appraise some negative results in a paper. Too bad I don't review many manuscripts or I'd use it there, too. |
I thought of an Idea for another bot: Nervous bots.
•When a Nervous Bot Is pushed by the player or a bot, it stops moving until it's timer runs out (the timer is reset when it is pushed).
•Otherwise, Nervous bots are like hugbots.
That way, Nervous bots can be kept off the player. |
N7: This is basically what I have in development for the next version of the level browser, though in the game, not through the website. The size of the triage folder is really getting out of hand. |
-continuation on java escape topic-
Tom, apparently he has ported it to javascript, so you were correct. |
I Think that It would be very useful to get a sorting sytem for the levels in place where you can search for a level by typing 'keywords' on the site, and scroll to an entered number in Escape's level browser, as it would make finding levels alot easier.
Btw, about the cipher challenge I posted a while back, congrats radiant, every letter that was included in at least one of my phrases was correct! |
I found one in my bathroom the other they are gutting out my bathroom in my apartment and I am demanding to move units! Houston, TX |
i need this is number 504-333-1010 |
ou did a righteous chore creating a paperback in favour of the view photographers like me with no run including with stock. You explained so much that I needed to know. I con it with astute interest. You are a incomparable writer. I’m pleased to occupy met you and skilled in that you are as favourable and friendly as your oeuvre indicates. Your interest is appreciated. |
fj: Alto Suxaphone is definitely a throwback, made with real sugar. I'm glad you enjoy it; that's the first one to enter my usually-skip list.
tadbot: Nice find! A bunch of people were asking about the music on that video, so I may have acquired new fans by setting them straight.
c: thx! Yes, in my opinion, other songs can compete with #losing, so they are worth a chance. And sometimes I have actual emotions, it's true.
fj #2: Good call. I have been trying to do this ("through composition" is a good name for it though I had never heard that before) deliberately on recent albums. I've always been a fan of short songs, mainly because I find repetition boring. But I found it's more fun (and challenging) to make songs that don't repeat by virtue of having many points and unusual structure. So thanks for noticing. :) It's electric bass played through a pod, but definitely not the first time. It's also on #losing, Shameless MMS, and on earlier albums as well (I think the first one was Blast Child or The New F-Zero?). Love the bass but I seldom feel like I have time to add it. |
My favourite bit from the proceedings is "Hygienic image macros".
"What words ought to exist?" made me laugh so hard I cried. has a link to the full proceedings, of course. |
Wow, all these comments to respond to:
A: AAD-17 I have a weird relationship with because for a long time I didn't have it on my phone, as I did not want to listen to it. I'm over that feeling now, but still rarely listen to it all the way through, except when I do an AAD marathon like on an international flight, in order to pass the time. I guess it sure does have some classics, like Based On Your Mario Kart Skills. :) And as for recording, I feel like I learn how to tell what's wrong with a recording (or that something is wrong) faster than I learn how to record well! A #losing battle! |
More observations:
I love the way several songs don't follow traditional verse-chorus-verse structure. Do these count as "through-composition"? I find this sort of song to be underutilized and as a result more dramatic.
Is that live bass in Attorney-client privilege? Is that a first? |