Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9704. Cheesehead ( – 20 Oct 2010 12:56:06 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Be very careful about notifying your insurance company.

In the US, once you have mold on your record, you're in a national database. Your house can become very difficult/expensive to insure after that. It will be an issue if you want to sell your home.

I suspected dampness in my bathroom wall, and was planning to remodel it anyway. I found my first mushroom this morning, and I'm afraid of what they'll find in that wall. Whatever the damage is, it's going to have to come out of my pocket.

I'll try to post an update in the next week or so.
9703. Anonymous ( – 17 Oct 2010 10:52:14 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
There's a mushroom growing out of my WALL!!
There was a HUGE leak, and this makes me wonder if there's an even bigger mess behind the walls... :/
9702. Tom 7 ( – 17 Oct 2010 01:44:57 T7ES - Around The World ]
Thankxz! :)
9701. SeriousMF ( – 16 Oct 2010 21:43:57 T7ES - Around The World ]
very very cool.
9700. Smithy's shroom removals ( – 16 Oct 2010 02:05:49 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I found some in our bathroom yesterday here in australia, I dried the buggers out and smoked them. WOW they werwe awesome im still trippin out, can you all post your addresses and I will gladly remove them free of charge !!!!!!

Aussie Shroom man..............
9699. Tom 7 ( – 16 Oct 2010 01:31:55 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Devin: If you load from the editor, it lets you open broken levels (and it repairs them).

JL: I don't have his info, sorry...
9698. John Lewis ( – 15 Oct 2010 17:57:17 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Tom (or anyone else) - does anyone know of a way to get in touch with Joshua Bone? (preferably e-mail)

9697. Devin ( – 15 Oct 2010 12:05:29 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Is this a bug? When I clicked the quarantine section I saw the Impossible levels too. Max's Blank and White and the Malformations the sizes were in RED.
9696. N7DOT ( – 12 Oct 2010 21:22:41 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Gonna make another level.
9695. Devin ( – 12 Oct 2010 17:40:59 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I can't find anymore LOST LEVELS
9694. N7DOT ( – 10 Oct 2010 16:42:31 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I can't remember why or when I came up w/ the user name N7DOT. I like the number 7, and the rest just came to me.
9693. Anonymous ( – 09 Oct 2010 14:41:19 BAD SAT SCORES ]
Sat 1: 1860, Writing:640, Math-540, Critical Reading-680

Sat II: U.S. History-770, Literature: 720

GPA-3.5 unweighted-My school doesn't do a weighted GPA and even though I've taken all Honors and 8 AP classes I'm ranked 62/432 in my class. Our valedictorian took only a handful of honors classes and absolutely no AP courses.

AP Scores:US History-4, Psychology-5, English Language-4, World History-3, Environmental-pending, European History-pending, Literature-pending, Gov and Pol-pending

I'm really not a math person and I want to major in history and go to law school. As for my EC's I have varsity lacrosse (4yr starter/captain junior/senior year), NHS, volunteering, Student council, Peer Mentoring, and a job. I also received the AP Scholar with honor award at the end of my junior year. With these stats, do you think i'll get into Villanova??
9692. jake ( – 09 Oct 2010 09:57:15 BAD SAT SCORES ]
i had 1310 on the new sat. wha uni could accept this score.

total: 1310
9691. Anonymous ( – 09 Oct 2010 00:21:48 BAD SAT SCORES ]
got 2400 in the SATs


ya'll, i also have 4.5 GPA. have taken a tutal of 7 AP clases in high skool.

can i gett in Oxfurt Universuity in Enland.?

or Harward? or Dirtmouth or Princesston? or purrhapps Yule.? ore any of the Arvy skools?
9690. Anonymous ( – 08 Oct 2010 12:33:58 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
i too have mushrooms growing rt next to my dishwasher. there is a smaill place under cabinets so i took a flash light and could not believe it. i had hundreds of them. we pulled alot of them out with a hockey stick (only thing that would reach). they grew back..atleast 3 times so far. thursday am i noticed some in a group and when i got home 4 hours was sticking out futher than in the am. so i waited until mu husband got home and showed him. at this time, it was alot bigger. when he pulled that thing out..omg! it was about 6 inches wide with smaller ones attatched to it. i told him to hold on to it so i could get the camera but her put it in trash. now all i smell is a weird oder and bleach didnt work. tiles are starting to crack on the floor near the area!! ugh last time we pulled them out it was as tall as a large yankee candle jar and 4 inches wide. each time they grow back they r bigger and bigger.
9689. Devin ( – 07 Oct 2010 16:55:28 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Mostly my usernames are Fruz Pruz Nepomuceno and Turx and Xolion
9688. Devin ( – 07 Oct 2010 16:54:48 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I have a question N7DOT... how did you come up with your name?
9687. Tom 7 ( – 05 Oct 2010 00:01:32 Tom 7 album-a-day #26: Method and apparatus for removing the lug nuts ]
Thanks! :)
9686. N7DOT ( – 03 Oct 2010 22:08:39 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
Can Anybody Get to the bottom exits in my Cheating Death Level?
9685. N7DOT ( – 03 Oct 2010 17:22:42 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
I really want ghosts to be added to the game. I think It would be nice to have a new feature since there haven't since remotes, which was a while ago.
9684. Anonymous ( – 02 Oct 2010 21:58:48 Tom 7 album-a-day #26: Method and apparatus for removing the lug nuts ]
great album
9683. Anonymous ( – 02 Oct 2010 21:07:15 BAD SAT SCORES ]
This chart is very off. Getting a 1700 would be good for getting into a state school or smaller school. I am pretty much certain you just pulled this out of nowhere. ALL ivies usually accept kids with 2000+. I am only in 9th grade and I get all of the Harvard minimums. Not only grades, but you need NATIONAL medals, TONS of volunteering, and TONS of extracurriculars.

I am not trying to be rude, these are the facts.
9682. N7DOT ( – 30 Sep 2010 20:12:44 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
The editor's 'not-realize-the-window-size-changed' thing happened again.

It Is weird. It's Minor but really, really weird, but I can easily see might be the problem.
9681. Malcolm FK UK ( – 30 Sep 2010 17:12:27 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I am amazed at this mushroom blog as my daughter has just come down stairs with a big uuuurrrrr there is a mushroom growing in the shower room and on closer inspection we found them growing inside and outside the shower room. We were amazed to find this blog starting in 2003. So the shower room is now out of action until its sorted out. We didn’t expect to find this blog running for so many years. We feel part of the family, the “Sroom Blog family”. I wonder if it will catch on. We have also noticed that a tile in the shower room has come loose so I guess we have had a water leak for a while. Its so funny to see all these entries about bathroom mushrooms, I have never seen anything like it or the mushrooms. Thanks for all the tips and information.
9680. N7DOT ( – 29 Sep 2010 22:45:11 Updated: Escape 200912250 ]
G-mail Is E-mail provided by Google, just for the record.
I just wanted to make sure the connection was made.

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