Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9379. Tom 7 ( – 23 Feb 2010 00:00:34 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
What, undownloadable??
9378. cdinwood ( – 22 Feb 2010 23:11:03 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
Duckles Chuckles does not seem to work here in Japan.
9377. Anonymous ( – 22 Feb 2010 15:31:10 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I just got off the phone with CDC - Center for Disease Control and Prevention. The info the woman gave me was that 1cup BLEACH to every 1GALLON of water. To also use gloves, protective clothing, eye protective, and if you are going to be in the building or whatever to wear a N95 face mask. She couldn't answer the other parts of my questions, but she did say that bleach is the product to use.
9376. Tom 7 ( – 22 Feb 2010 00:47:16 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
Oh, if only it were true. I am obsessive about some things for sure but most of my secret projects end up unfinished. :(

2: I haven't yet tried to sleep since posting it, so I'm not sure, yet.
9375. MATUS ( – 22 Feb 2010 00:15:36 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
9374. Jake Donham ( – 21 Feb 2010 21:28:37 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
Tom: two things. Thing the one, you never do anything halfway, do you? Thing the other, will you change the first post to keep it up to date with what is actually on the home page? If so, is the process automated already? If not, how do you sleep at night?
9373. Tom 7 ( – 21 Feb 2010 19:26:41 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
A: I do not understand your numeric utterance.

J: Thanks for noticing the infinite background. It took me almost a whole day to make it; rather a hard problem for Illustrator to tackle, it turns out.

I like the idea of having a progress meter, but I since I don't have the Pittsburgh road data in any form that I can load up, I can't actually compute how much I've got left. I could do a progress meter of neighborhoods, I guess. You're right that the site needs some straightforward way for people to follow my progress. Total number of miles run I have at hand pretty easily and it's probably the next feature to go up there. Google Maps unfortunately can't handle (or rejects on policy grounds, I can't tell) my map data, which is almost ten megabytes. Google Earth works just fine though, so other than its embedability, you can just click the pactom.kmz to zoom like crazy.
9372. Pianist ( – 21 Feb 2010 16:25:44 Quake 3 Done! ]
Np oootini =)

Little post about the perfect run;part 1 to 8 are now online on Youtube HD. Enjoy watching !

9371. Jeffrey Stylos ( – 21 Feb 2010 15:51:03 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
Sweet. I like all of the graphics, like the road sign and the infinitely scrolling map background. You should add a progress bar to the home page showing the percentage you have left and a counter for the total number of miles run. Including a Google Map widget of all your routes would be cool also.
9370. Adam ( – 21 Feb 2010 15:09:02 Pac Tom website and Level 2 ]
9369. Tom 7 ( – 21 Feb 2010 13:43:43 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
Thanks! We are good at blasting it, so I'm not worried about that condition on success.
9368. Adhesion ( – 19 Feb 2010 19:12:58 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
Duckles Chuckles was the category on Monday's Final Jeopardy (they didn't use the correct name). It was possibly the most easily guessable Final Jeopardy question ever; also the contestants looked to be roughly 23.

The song is awesome by the way, but only if you blast it crazy loud. OOOHHHHHH
9367. Anonymous ( – 18 Feb 2010 22:38:31 BAD SAT SCORES ]
If i got a 1300something close to 1400. and i have a 3.68 gpa. and i do alot of extra curricular activities. what are my chances of making uc san diego?
9366. Anonymous ( – 17 Feb 2010 17:13:31 ]
bom bom pow-black eye peas
9365. Anonymous ( – 17 Feb 2010 12:54:19 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I had mushrooms popping up out of my tub/shower grout every so often. I would kill with bleach. Make a long story short, I discovered that the tile had a leak and the tile backer board and wallboard behind that was completely soaked. No other visible evidence, no smell, nothing Suspect that this had been a very slow leak for years. There was significant structural damage as several wall studs were completely GONE - rotted away. The situation was disgusting. Scared the H*ll outta me. To remove all traces of the problem I took the ENTIRE ROOM out including the subfloor all the way to the dirt and rebuilt completely, all new lumber, scrubbed every surface with full strength bleach, changed ALL plumbing pipes, even bleached the dirt underneath to kill everything possible. If you have this problem don't let it go, get it inspected. If you do have to rebuild your shower look into a product called KERDI. It is one of the best and most reliable waterproofing materials available, it goes under the tile. I used KERDI and also gave up on tile, put in slab granite instead so that there would only be seams at the corners which are tight seams sealed up with 100% pure silicone not leaky crappy grout or cheap caulk. The KERDI is overkill for granite walls but that is fine with me. Everything done strictly by the directions. No expense is too much in this case. If you have to rebuild and you look at what may be under there you WILL agree. Please don't let it go - mushrooms mean water & fungus and that means serious damage and possible heath issues. Not to cause a panic but it's very possible you have a big problem like I did. I thank my lucky stars no one got sick and now it's ALL CLEAN. P.S. it's about a leak, no reflection on your housekeeping skills.
9364. Efia ( – 16 Feb 2010 12:37:39 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
thanks for the suggestions! Buying the Calcium Chloride is a good plan. Always nice to save some money.
9363. Katie Again ( – 15 Feb 2010 22:18:20 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Just to add - calcium chloride is the main ingredient in any dehumidifier. When you buy the calcium chloride you are basically *taking out the middle man* of the dehumidifier.

At first you should turn up the heat on the heater as high as it can go to dry the place out as much as you can.
9362. Katie ( – 15 Feb 2010 22:14:29 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Thank goodness for this thread. Here we are in Vancouver (yes, during the 2010 Olympics) what the world watching us does not know is that housing prices have grown so much in this city that it took us 3 years to find suitable housing for our family. The place is older but well fixed up except that in the bathroom there is no ventilation. It is not a shock, then to find mushrooms in the bathroom in February. I found the mushrooms and got really sick afterward. Make sure that you wash your hands after you find the mushrooms. Use toilet paper or paper towel to take them off and flush them. A face mask is also a great idea. I wish I knew that 2 days ago when I found the mushrooms. I could not figure out why I was both throwing up sick and sick with a cold. It was obviously the mushrooms. After reading this thread, here is my solution.

1. We have to talk to the landlord to take him up on his offer of a fan. There is no getting around that.
2. I have brought in the portable electric heater to raise the temperature in the bathroom.
3. I have purchased MOISTURE MAGNET from Home Hardware for 35 dollars. I have used both of the calcium chloride filled sacs and put them on shelving 6 feet off the ground so that my toddler cannot reach them. I read up on calcium chloride - it absorbs moisture and is used in small amounts in some food. However, do not touch the dust or let children near it because it reacts exothermically - meaning it will heat up instantly to a very high temperature when it touches any kind of water. In the Moisture Magnet, the calcium chloride is packaged in fine cheesecloth so it is safe as long as children do no touch it.
4. I scrubbed the area where there was any mold or mushrooms with a household cleanser and a toothbrush.
5. I sprayed on a product called MOLD CONTROL also from Home Hardware - following the directions on the bottle.

I will be keeping my receipts for my landlord. If I was really on it I would have photographed the mold / mushrooms.

You can attach the photographs to an e-mail, explaining when you found them and the steps that you have taken and e-mail it to your landlord. If the language is simple and legal, they will understand that you are keeping records. This may help them to act quickly.
9361. Efia ( – 15 Feb 2010 18:52:48 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
I just bought a hundred year old house that has been refinished. 2 days ago I discovered the mushrooms in the picture above growing in the corner of my basement through the carpet. I've gone through all of the emotions, first I was grossed out, then it was pretty funny, then it was disappointing they aren't the 'fun' kind, now concern that I may have a really big issue. I live in Portland and many old basements aren't completely dry. The carpet feels very slightly damp to the touch and there isn't water damage on the wall I'm wondering if I de-humidifier would do the trick. Anyone have the same type of issue and have some suggestions?
9360. SAT Expert ( – 15 Feb 2010 13:19:14 BAD SAT SCORES ]
to plz someone comment =] a 1103 score is a pretty good score considering 1000 is average.
9359. Anonymous ( – 15 Feb 2010 13:17:04 BAD SAT SCORES ]
1000 is about average and so is 2.54 o it's not bad just average!

9358. Anonymous ( – 15 Feb 2010 09:51:57 Screwed like me, thanks to libc ]
The C language Standard (C99) says:

"The fread function returns the number of elements successfully read, which may be less than nmemb if a read error or end-of-file is encountered. If size or nmemb is zero, fread returns zero and the contents of the array and the state of the stream remain unchanged."

So the "UNIX C library" works that way because if it didn't it would be broken. Any recent C implementation must work like this because that is what the C standard requires, at least since 1999.

Another point here is that the fread() is defined to read into an array of objects where the size parameter gives the size of each object. C defines the term object (not like an OO object, in C is is roughly a thing that can store values). An object as C defines it cannot have zero size so passing 0 for the size parameter is best viewed as an error.
9357. Tom 7 ( – 15 Feb 2010 09:25:39 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
I prefer the "alternate reality" explanation.
9356. Nels ( – 13 Feb 2010 20:45:08 Sick Ridiculous - Duckles Chuckles ]
Scott, yeah... That's the one I was thinking of. Sometimes we write a lyric, and then do fact-checking, and then decide we don't care that it's not true...
9355. Emma x ( – 13 Feb 2010 20:35:35 Bathroom? Mushroom! ]
Loved readin all the comments, i have just found the pasta shell type in my toilet. We hav had a bad leak from the flat upstair for a while now, not nice cant use the toilet light an hav 2 sit sideways in fear of being dripped on. Called wandsworth council a number of times about many problems, but no help from them all we get is workers takeing photos! Wasnt to concerned with the leak as these things happen but its now been ages since it started an water is stil dripping, we hav a grose brown gunk on the ceiling an running down the wall. Not nice the only way i can describe it is like shit. Im not saying im a clean freak but i dont live like a tramp. This is beyond discusting. An now 2 make it worse iv got a cluster of PASTA SHELL Like mushrooms growing out the wet soggy brown like substance. I realy wan2 clean this but an sacred already tried takin of wallpaper 2 fighs brown stuf but it didnt help. An now the mushrooms. Lets just hope the council fixes the leak as im not convinced they hav. And then solve t

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