Tom 7 Radar: all comments

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9196. Chris C ( – 13 Dec 2009 22:45:57 Song, scissors ]
I heard Mega Man 10 is in development. Maybe you could get a job as boss-theme-guy.
9195. genug ( – 13 Dec 2009 22:19:39 Song, scissors ]
You know, I did read post 976 a year and half ago, laughed out loud, and then found those scissors some time later and had no idea what they were for. I shutter to think how much smarter I would be if I remembered everything I read on Tom's blog.
9194. N7DOT ( – 13 Dec 2009 21:45:04 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Oh, Never mind the following (from a previous comment):
Other than the amount flux thing.

The comment shouldn't be there.

9193. N7DOT ( – 13 Dec 2009 20:47:49 New! Escape 200704130 ]
What are you talking about?
9192. Anonymous ( – 12 Dec 2009 12:10:41 New! Escape 200704130 ]
I Hate That IT Blocked me from games.
9191. Anonymous ( – 10 Dec 2009 23:45:49 UPD: Embed / DMCA threats ]
Awesome! I'm glad you were able to read through their threats and make a solid legal argument.

My only concern is that most people to not have nearly this level of legal savvy and yet, laws as hard to understand as this are being applied to them. It's a truly unfair system that leaves the average person at the mercy of legalese.

Thanks Tom for at least giving us an example of how one should defend themselves.
9190. Anonymous ( – 10 Dec 2009 22:36:31 BAD SAT SCORES ]
I have a 1900 Sat score and a 4.6 gpa and top 1% in my this good enough for caltech
9189. N7DOT ( – 10 Dec 2009 19:50:52 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Other than the amount flux thing.
9188. N7DOT ( – 10 Dec 2009 19:49:38 New! Escape 200704130 ]
We should have title music and a mute/unmute button on the title screen.

Oh, One more item: Mombots - They are like Hugbots but they have a 20-move timer, and when they go off, the Mombot splits, and, uh-oh! If there is enough bot slots left, POOF, there is a new Hugbot, as well as the Mombot! Then the timer resets. The Mombot only can split twice, and then it it is a Mombot that doesn't split! The Mombots are numbered before all other bots,and they split in order from lowest to highest number (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 - creates #14 or #15). The Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, etc. would never be able to split, so there can only be seven Mombots in each level, minus one for every two bots of different kind.

The split thing will probably be the hardest part.

But it would be interesting!
9187. N7DOT ( – 08 Dec 2009 23:27:31 New! Escape 200704130 ]
-I think it can be metal, and hinges, or your skeleton, are both examples that it CAN. Joints are the secret that's not that secret. Of course, the inside would have to be squishy or hollow, but it's still metal.

-Also, I think Unsolved/Collaborative levels should be able to be added to the server. They would go in a separated folder, and they could be collaboratively worked on, and if it was an unsolved, you could test to see if it was possible. If it proved possible, and the solve was uploaded, the creator could upload to triage, and who solved it would still have claims on the solve. This would allow those who didn't have very good escape skills to submit hard levels, and make collabration easier (The versions of the collabrative level would be shown as one, then when clicked it would give the versions) But Collabratives would be COPIED to triage, not moved, when uploaded.

9186. Gary ( – 08 Dec 2009 03:19:35 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Tom, I think this post is very long.
9185. COASTER ( – 07 Dec 2009 22:58:34 New! Escape 200704130 ]
So here's what I'm envisioning:

you select a level in the level browser. Then you get a level close-up. On the left hand side you have a large image of the protagonist. On the right hand side you can see an enlarged map. Beneath the map you get the level description/teaser and the minimum number of moves and other relevant details. You can then finalize your decision to enter the level or continue browsing. You are also given the option to change your character. You may select a character from the following: the original guy, a female version of the original guy, a multi-ethnic dude, and an overweight person of moderate complexion and ambiguous gender. You could potentially go with a anthropomorphic dog instead of the fat person. It might be worth crowd-sourcing the art/animations of the new characters and then deciding the winners by webvote.
9184. COASTER ( – 07 Dec 2009 22:25:43 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Hi Radiant, I respect you but you are way off base when it comes to the spheres. Those spheres physically deform when you kick them. They are definitely not metal. Maybe they are gelatinous. Maybe they are rubber. Maybe they are enormous beach balls. But metal? No Sir.
9183. radiant ( – 07 Dec 2009 15:12:52 New! Escape 200704130 ]
If you have a plotline, why not make a level out of it? Like "My plane took off 5 minutes ago and now I'm stuck at the airport!" When uploading a level, you can even provide introductory comments if you think a little context for the level's story is in order. The whole point of the game is that you can (and should be encouraged to) make levels based on just about anything!

A gelatin sound for pushing spheres would be out of place, since the concept is that they're made of hard metal.
9182. COASTER ( – 07 Dec 2009 01:04:57 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Hi Tom,

It's your friend COASTER again.

I think that in addition to being able to upload user-generated levels, there should also be a shared space for 'Escapists' to upload user-generated plotlines. As somebody who writes a lot of Escape themed fan fiction, I think it would be great if we could harness this as a role-playing/fantasy supplement to the puzzle game experience.
9181. Coaster ( – 07 Dec 2009 00:56:26 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Hi Tom,

It's your friend COASTER. I'm going to share my thoughts.

I agree with Radiant about sound. I also think level sorting could use some improvement. Finally, I think you consider nicknaming fans of escape as "escapists," and addressing them as such in posts like these.

Sound wishlist: Opening jingle, level selection (bleeps when scrolling, bloop when level selected), level entry (maybe the sound of a dungeon-esq gate closing), laser and robot death, robots awaking, gelatenous sound when you kick circle blobs, maybe another sound for kicking gold blocks or other blocks, electricity sound when you activate a circuit or turn power off, crash sound when robots crash into each other, explosion when bomb goes off, zap sound when blocks get pushed into yellow, an "x" sound when you try to move in a direction you can't, and, of course, victory music. (Ideally the hero should have a dance animation for when he escapes).

People should be able to sort using the GUI. It would also be nice if there was some sort of Web 2.0 capability for people to tag or somehow organize the almost 2,000 levels in triage.
9180. saraaaaah. ( – 06 Dec 2009 14:52:47 Hands-free cell phone ]
lmfaoo ; thats mad funnny.
but seriously.. you have no life, although.. you are pretty hottt (;
9179. anne ( – 02 Dec 2009 10:37:03 NEW: Tom 7 Entertainment System site ]
9178. Gary ( – 01 Dec 2009 22:43:08 New! Escape 200704130 ]
Tom, your site will be suffered with spam comments. Using the reCaptcha technology, from, you can stop the spam easily.
9177. landon ( – 01 Dec 2009 15:58:54 New! Escape 200704130 ]

sound already works. look at stderr.txt
9176. I am notAnonymous ( – 01 Dec 2009 10:48:32 BAD SAT SCORES ]
1480 i love this score
9175. spoons ( – 01 Dec 2009 08:40:20 Action Jackson MS ]
They had this campaign in the works for years but have been waiting for a version of Windows with an appropriate name.
9174. radiant ( – 01 Dec 2009 01:02:25 New! Escape 200704130 ]
There are five things I can think of worth having before calling it a new release:

1) sound (the obligatory "big feature" you can promote);
2) improved level sanity checker (the malformed levels);
3) any animation bugs you've found, tracked down, and fixed since last release;
4) a "Show/Hide..." menu item in the top bar during gameplay, so that players can more readily see toggles for D, Y, N, and whatever you use to deal with noname's "Guesswork" bot trick;
5) tweaks to the solution manager. In particular, I'd like if solutions were checked against the existing solution list for the level, and not added to the file multiple times if it turns out it's just a duplicate of one of your previous solutions; and that new solutions that you enter in by hand (as opposed to downloading, or watching a downloaded solution all the way through) automatically supersede your current default solution that's played in thumbnail, provided that it's actually faster than your current default.
9173. Tom 7 ( – 30 Nov 2009 10:21:52 New! Escape 200704130 ]
I agree, long overdue. I'm sorry for the delay, though I don't think there are any pressing issues with the current version that need attention. (Maybe radiant's abuse of parsing bugs?) I've got in the works some "Beta 4" features that I'd like to get out the door, but maybe I should just do a point release refresher, because there are minor fixes all over. Thank you guys for keeping up a nice stream of levels even in my inattention!

The animation bug is an instance of a known problem (but as always thanks for reporting it with a crisp test case) which unfortunately does not have a simple solution. BTW, it's conventional to immediately delete bug report levels after uploading, so that they don't confuse new users.
9172. Anonymous ( – 29 Nov 2009 23:19:51 From the depths of Wiccapedia ]

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