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Entries from January 2023
Winter is a time for hibernation (31 Jan 2023 at 23:54)
Oops! Almost forgot to post on time this month (rules really do not require me to wait until the last day of the month, by the way, but somehow I can't stop myself), but it looks like I'll barely make it.

Since I posted a very elaborate video last month and it was holiday break, I spent most of January doing relaxing things, like the hyperrealistic War and Chore simulator called "Call of Duty II: Modern Warfare 2" (or something like that). I think it's actually pretty good if you like that sort of thing, but when I'm playing online I'm playing on "hard" mode since I mute myself and everybody else; I just can't handle listening to these people. Better to just anonymously kill each other in an endless loop. And then I got self-conscious about playing co-op missions with muted teammates, so I've been doing the co-op missions (e.g. "DMZ") solo. I think I've almost unlocked everything, so hopefully I can wind that down soon.

I did start work on a project that excites me, although it's looking pretty daunting. I think it will be fun to try and perhaps even produce a good story if it fails. But I also have been putting together some kind of finale for the mysterious project that I began when I had covid this summer and that got pretty out of hand. I'm currently in the phase where I can clearly do something with it, but I need to invent the right puzzle for myself that is both "possible" and "not too easy," and whose rules are "horrifying" but "elegant in their way." You know? It's a weird design space but one that I have some practice in.

OK, time to submit right before the clock strikes midnight!
(1 comment — almost 2 years ago)   [ comment ]
Entries from December 2022


The Pac Tom documentary! (28 Dec 2022 at 11:01)
It is done! I finished the Pac Tom project to run the length of every street in Pittsburgh in October, and (yes it took months) also this video documenting the project and finale:

How I ran the length of every street in Pittsburgh: PAC TOM
How I ran the length of every street in Pittsburgh: PAC TOM

The Pac Tom site now has the final data, but the video is the definitive way to see it!

I added the downloadable Soundtrack for completionists. I was horrified to find, when watching this video with some friends after I uploaded, that I had accidentally muted one of the audio tracks for the "final" version. You can rectify this by playing "Street (Trap Remix)" at exactly 11:58.
Categories:  mp3  videos  momentous  pac tom (7 comments — almost 2 years ago)   [ comment ]
Entries from November 2022
Chores and chores (30 Nov 2022 at 23:32)
November is really busy 'round here, although I think that's basically over now (I mean the busy time, although also November).

I spent pretty much all of Thanksgiving break working on this Pac Tom video, which is well underway (but which I am already now quite sick of!). I'm trying a new approach to the planning and execution of this one, being more deliberate about deciding on the scenes and "script" ahead of time, and then trying to have fewer edits in the voiceover for a bit of a smoother flow (and hopefully less painful editing). It's too soon to tell if this is actually helping the quality or reducing the amount of edits, but at least it's some different puzzles to solve than I'm used to. Since there's no built-in deadline, though, and I can jump around from part to part, I have found myself getting distracted by minute details, like e.g. I wanted to have the exact correct font from PAC-MAN so I dumped the ROMs to extract it and then decided I might as well finish off the missing ASCII character set, giving us pac-man.ttf. Anyway I think I should be able to get it done this month, which is good because I'm already itching to move onto other projects (including finishing up that other weird thing I started in the summer which may just end up being a "regular" SIGBOVIK project at this point?).

I did insulate a lot of the attic, but nobody really wants to hear about that!

I played through Rogue Legacy 2, which I liked. It's a platform roguelike (really a "roguelite" since it leans heavily on the permanent progress you make by gaining gold/xp with each run), a genre that tempts me in a few times a year and then usually makes me regret the amount of time I spend trying to win. This sequel was a significant improvement over the first one (which I played many years ago and liked OK, but would not particularly recommend). This one has vastly better art and a more interesting castle to explore, and for the part where you're discovering the parts of the castle and abilities ("Metroidvania"-style) it was really nice. In the endgame I felt there was a bit too much grinding to power-up your character and that the grinding was more repetitive than it needed to be (maybe my own mistake for focusing mostly on my favorite classes; but Boxer and Ronin are just so much better than the ranged weapon classes, for example??). When I won it seemed like there was a lot of stuff left that I hadn't seen, so I tried another pass in NG+ but that did not seem worth it. Anyway, the game overall was very solid if you like this sort of thing. It did somehow make me nostalgic for Spelunky 2 as well (pretty much my all time favorite) so I have been doing the daily challenges recently, but I have pretty much lost all my skills in that game. [:embarrassed emoji:]
(6 comments — almost 2 years ago)   [ comment ]
Entries from October 2022
October surprise (31 Oct 2022 at 21:15)
Hi! It's the busy time of year again and I feel behind on a great many things.

BUT! I did actually get a lot done this month. First, we finally got some some Dangerous Material Experts to come out and properly abate the asbestos-containing vermiculite in the attic, which had been up there not causin' anybody any problems, but whose undisturbability was blocking a whole series of home improvement projects (e.g. get better insulation in the attic) that had been cumulatively weighing on my mind for years. Even though I'm willing to do a lot of work myself (I prefer it, even) asbestos abatement is a rare example of something I don't even think about trying. So that's great and now I have a new urgent problem, which is an uninsulated attic as freezing temperatures approach, but this one is something I can manage to do myself with some grind, which as you know is my cup of jam. The hardest part may be getting all these huge bags of fiberglass Home from the Depot:


but the Mini is barely big enough to take two "passengers" at a time with the top down.

And speaking of grinding being my tea, I finally finished the Pac Tom Project! Well, finished in the sense that I did the final run and all the streets are now completely complete. The reason I took so long to actually finish this thing (it's been one street away for over a year now) is that I wanted it to have a fitting finale, with a costume and help from friends to commemorate and film that finale, and the costume's construction was ambitious and hit some snags relating to physics and so on. But this last few weeks have been perfect fall weather in Pittsburgh (and it's about to get Not Perfect Weather real soon), so that was enough motivation to solve the problems and get it done. I will put together a video shortly for this project, so I don't want to say too much more or officially celebrate here, as the video will be the right way to experience it (unless you are one of the gang who helped out, and then: Thanks!!).

And speaking of running, I did do the Detroit Marathon a few weeks before that. It was a fun course, with the bridge into Canada at sunrise being the highlight (I found running through the security checkpoints to be weird and funny, too). We had perfect conditions (cool and dry) and the hotel was right on the start line, and the course is very flat, so it could have been a good opportunity to set a PR. But I'm definitely still not feeling recovered from COVID (but I ran a whole marathon; I know, cry me a river right?), and relatedly did not train enough, so I did not push myself (and also Walled pretty bad around mile 18). 3h52m05s is not that bad given the circumstances.

Finally I did play some more games. I was in the mood for a low-stress one, so I played Need for Speed(TM) Heat on sale for $3.50, which was definitely worth $3.50. Imagine Grand Theft Auto V but you can't ever leave your car. I liked the day/night mechanic and running from the cops was actually stressful and hard (until you figure out the tricks). Humorous to me is that almost my exact real-life car is in this game, but for a long time I was not high-enough level to drive it (which is also silly because it gives you like a Ferrari first), but that was a good goal to unlock it. I'm done with that one now and now I'm midway through Manifold Garden, which is pretty neat. It reminds me a lot of Antichamber, whose puzzles and general vibe I think I liked more, but some of the graphics effects in M.G. are quite unique and impressive. Meanwhile one of my side projects for this video involves some very simple 3D graphics programming, which I suck at, and so when my brain sugars run out and I give up on the graphics programming to play video games instead, it's like an extra humiliating experience.
(3 comments — almost 2 years ago)   [ comment ]
Entries from September 2022
ICFP Contest 2022, Great Race 2022, Birthday 2022 (30 Sep 2022 at 22:53)
As I mentioned in the post 1208 we did get the band partly back together for this year's ICFP Programming Contest. This is a freeform (any size team, "any computational resources at your disposal") 72-hour contest that I've participated in many times before (and led the design of the 2006 contest). This year's was a pretty good problem which was basically to try to draw pictures using a little instruction set with a strange cost function. The instructions are things like: split a rectangle into subrectangles, color a rectangle, swap rectangles of equal size, merge rectangles. We had a team of four working full time (I took a vacation day from my "programming" job to program this instead) with a some help from others in the chat room. As expected we all kinda gravitated towards our favorite part of the problem (often, not the most important thing), like I wrote some kind of mediocre heuristic solver and got distracted by some algorithmic subproblem and optimizing code; Jason made a UI; David wrote submission and solution management infrastructure and Adam dabbled in everything. We didn't do that great; at some points we were in the top 10, or even briefly at 1 because our automated solution and submission infrastructure allowed us to solve a new batch of puzzles before anyone else. But by the last day we were pretty behind. It's easy to imagine how we could have done much better at the contest—my solver was not that bad in principle but I had ignored part of the cost function (cut size) that I thought was a minor detail, but which turned out to maybe be the most impactful term, for example. But it's hard to imagine having more fun; we definitely achieved that late-night delirium of in-joke upon in-joke that was just like the grad school days. (I also take some pride in how many bugs we found and reported in the task and support code!)

Here's an example image our solution produced:
Problem 27, Robot
Problem 27, Robot
Somehow this one reminds me of artwork from "Sword and Sworcery."

I'm feeling somewhat better than I did last month, and had some tests that have at least cleared me for active duty, so that's good. I've been trying to get back in running shape, and for example ran Pittsburgh's Great Race this last weekend. I've run this one many times before, both in an attempt to get a good time and in ridiculous costumes and also several times just casually. This weekend was in the casual category, and I had an acceptable time of 44m03s. In a few weeks we're going to do the Detroit Marathon, which is exciting because the course goes under the Detroit river into Canada! But I'm not going to be in shape enough to set a personal record on this one (despite my declaration of intent in May) nor will I try any shenanigans.

Real quick in Video Games: I finished Sniper Elite 5 (it continued to be exactly what you expected) and started Stray (excellent animation and mood; not totally sold on "gameplay" but I'm enjoying it), and then binged Trombone Champ. This game has pretty much the same vibe as my favorite YouTube video, and though it's very silly, it's also a pretty solid rhythm/music game. Some of the original tracks get stuck in my head for sure. No way I am going to try to get the S-rank achievements but I did become a proper Champ.

But mostly I've been spending my free time trying to wrap up this most recent silly programming project, which I think is fundamentally a good joke and probably new, but there's always something to either get distracted or stymied by. I'm in the phase where new project ideas are beckoning me, which tends to be a pretty good motivator!

(Oh yeah, and then I turned 43 years old!)
(5 comments — almost 2 years ago)   [ comment ]
... Sep 2022 continued
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